
Delete All InfluxDB Measurements

To delete all measurements at once in InfluxDB, you can use the DROP SERIES statement with a wildcard for the measurement name. This will delete all series (i.e., measurements) from the specified database.

Here’s how you can do it:


In this statement, .* is a regular expression that matches all series names. Make sure to replace .* with the actual database name if you want to delete series from a specific database.

Please note that this operation is irreversible and will delete all data in the specified measurements. Make sure to back up your data before performing this operation.

المزيد من المعلومات

Deleting all measurements at once in InfluxDB using the DROP SERIES statement with a wildcard is a powerful but potentially dangerous operation, as it will remove all data in the specified database. It’s important to understand the implications and to use it with caution.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  1. Data Loss: Deleting all measurements will result in the loss of all data stored in those measurements. Make sure this is the desired outcome before executing the command.

  2. Database Selection: Ensure that you are working with the correct database when executing the DROP SERIES statement. Use the USE statement to switch to the appropriate database if needed.

  3. Backup: Before deleting all measurements, it’s advisable to back up your data to prevent permanent loss. You can use the InfluxDB backup tools or export data to a file using influxd backup or influxd export.

  4. Permission: Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to delete measurements in the specified database. Users with the DROP privilege can delete measurements.

  5. Alternative Approach: If you only want to remove the data but keep the measurements, you can use the DELETE statement to delete specific data points or ranges of data from measurements without deleting the measurements themselves.

Remember to use these commands carefully, especially in production environments, to avoid unintended data loss.

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