
كيفية البحث عن اختلافات الصفوف في SQL Server

To compare rows in a table and find mismatches in SQL Server 2008, you can use the LAG function to compare each row with the previous one. Based on the screenshot you provided, it seems you want to compare the Part and Cost columns to find mismatches. Here’s a query that pulls the last three rows with all columns and adds a column specifying the type of mismatch:

WITH LaggedRows AS ( SELECT Part, Cost, LAG(Part) OVER (ORDER BY ID) AS PrevPart, LAG(Cost) OVER (ORDER BY ID) AS PrevCost, ID FROM YourTableName ), Mismatches AS ( SELECT ID, Part, Cost, CASE WHEN Part <> PrevPart THEN 'Part' WHEN Cost <> PrevCost THEN 'Cost' ELSE NULL END AS MismatchType FROM LaggedRows WHERE ID > (SELECT MAX(ID) - 3 FROM YourTableName) ) SELECT ID, Part, Cost, MismatchType FROM Mismatches WHERE MismatchType IS NOT NULL;

Replace YourTableName with the actual name of your table. This query uses a common table expression (CTE) to first calculate the previous row’s Part and Cost values for each row. Then, it uses another CTE to identify rows where there are mismatches in the Part or Cost columns compared to the previous row. Finally, it selects the last three rows with mismatches along with the type of mismatch.

Note: This query assumes that the ID column is used to order the rows. Adjust the ORDER BY clause in the LAG function if a different ordering is required.

المزيد من المعلومات

للمزيد من المعلومات، يمكنك استخدام الاستعلام التالي الذي يقوم بعرض جميع الصفوف مع الصف السابق لها ونوع الاختلاف (إذا كانت هناك اختلافات) بالإضافة إلى الصفوف الثلاثة الأخيرة:

WITH LaggedRows AS ( SELECT ID, Part, Cost, LAG(Part) OVER (ORDER BY ID) AS PrevPart, LAG(Cost) OVER (ORDER BY ID) AS PrevCost FROM YourTableName ), AllRows AS ( SELECT ID, Part, Cost, 'Part' AS MismatchType FROM LaggedRows WHERE Part <> PrevPart UNION ALL SELECT ID, Part, Cost, 'Cost' AS MismatchType FROM LaggedRows WHERE Cost <> PrevCost ), RankedRows AS ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ID DESC) AS RowNum FROM AllRows ) SELECT ID, Part, Cost, MismatchType FROM RankedRows WHERE RowNum <= 3 ORDER BY ID DESC;

هذا الاستعلام يستخدم CTE لحساب الصف السابق لكل صف ومن ثم يستخدم CTE آخر لتحديد الصفوف التي تحتوي على اختلاف في القيمة مقارنة بالصف السابق. ثم يتم استخدام CTE آخر لترتيب الصفوف واختيار الصفوف الثلاثة الأخيرة التي تحتوي على اختلاف.

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