
تقنيات تقليل طول النصوص في PHP

In the realm of text processing with PHP, particularly when dealing with content snippets, the intricacies of character counting become a crucial aspect. The code snippet you provided revolves around extracting a substring of a given length from the variable $testo, which presumably contains the text of a news article after the removal of HTML tags using strip_tags. However, you’ve rightly identified a limitation – the omission of whitespace in the character count when using the substr function.

Let’s delve into this issue and explore a more robust approach to accurately limit the text while considering whitespace.

Firstly, the challenge lies in the fact that substr counts bytes, not characters. Multibyte characters, common in languages such as Arabic, Chinese, or emojis, may be misrepresented. To address this, the mb_substr function is a more suitable alternative. This function accounts for multibyte characters, ensuring accurate character limits.

Secondly, to maintain a consistent count that includes whitespaces, we need to adjust the approach. Instead of directly using substr or mb_substr, we can employ the wordwrap function. This function wraps a string to a given number of characters while breaking at word boundaries, thus preserving the integrity of words.

Let’s integrate these enhancements into your code:

$testo = $news['testo']; $testo = strip_tags($testo); // Adjust the character limit as needed $characterLimit = 200; // Use wordwrap to ensure a consistent count including whitespaces $wrappedText = wordwrap($testo, $characterLimit, "|", true); // Extract the first segment up to the character limit $trimmedText = explode("|", $wrappedText)[0]; echo "

" . $trimmedText . "


In this refined implementation, wordwrap ensures that the string is broken at word boundaries, addressing the issue of inconsistent character counts. The delimiter “|” is chosen to minimize its interference with most texts.

This solution provides a more reliable approach to limiting the text length, encompassing both accurate character count and consideration for multibyte characters and whitespaces. It empowers you to maintain a consistent and aesthetically pleasing display of your news articles while overcoming the limitations encountered with the basic substr function.

المزيد من المعلومات

Certainly, let’s delve deeper into the intricacies of text manipulation in PHP and explore additional considerations that can enhance the robustness of your code.

Multibyte Character Handling:

Given the global nature of the internet, it’s crucial to handle multibyte characters correctly, especially when working with languages such as Arabic. PHP provides the mbstring extension, which includes functions tailored for multibyte character encoding. Ensure that the mbstring extension is enabled in your PHP configuration (php.ini). You can use mb_strlen to accurately count the number of characters in a multibyte string.

$characterCount = mb_strlen($testo, 'UTF-8');

Responsive Truncation:

In certain scenarios, you might want to ensure that your truncated text doesn’t end abruptly in the middle of a word. To achieve this, you can modify the code to find the last space within the character limit and truncate at that point.

$wrappedText = wordwrap($testo, $characterLimit, " ", true); $lastSpace = strrpos($wrappedText, " "); $trimmedText = substr($wrappedText, 0, $lastSpace);

This modification ensures a more aesthetically pleasing truncation by considering the last space within the character limit.

Ellipsis for Readability:

When truncating text, it’s common to append an ellipsis (…) to indicate that there’s more content. This provides a visual cue to users that the text has been abbreviated.

$ellipsis = ($characterCount > $characterLimit) ? '...' : ''; echo "

" . $trimmedText . $ellipsis . "


This addition enhances the user experience by signaling that there’s additional content beyond the truncated portion.

Consideration for HTML Entities:

If your text may contain HTML entities (e.g.,   for non-breaking space), you may want to decode them before performing any text manipulation to ensure accurate counting.

$testo = html_entity_decode($testo, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

Final Comprehensive Code:

Here’s the refined code, incorporating the discussed enhancements:

$testo = $news['testo']; $testo = strip_tags(html_entity_decode($testo, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $characterLimit = 200; $wrappedText = wordwrap($testo, $characterLimit, " ", true); $lastSpace = strrpos($wrappedText, " "); $trimmedText = substr($wrappedText, 0, $lastSpace); $ellipsis = (mb_strlen($testo, 'UTF-8') > $characterLimit) ? '...' : ''; echo "

" . $trimmedText . $ellipsis . "


This comprehensive approach addresses multibyte character concerns, ensures a responsive truncation at word boundaries, incorporates ellipsis for readability, and accounts for HTML entities. It provides a more versatile solution for handling diverse textual content in your news articles.

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