
تصميم نموذج للتعليقات في الصفحة

It looks like you’re trying to create a form in HTML to submit a SQL query along with a comment. However, there are a few issues in your code that need to be corrected:

  1. The
  2. In the elements for the SQL query and the internal ID, use PHP echo to output the values from PHP variables ($row["internal_id"] and the SQL query string).
  3. It’s recommended to use POST method for forms that submit sensitive information like SQL queries. Change method='get' to method='post'.
  4. In the element for the SQL query, remove the extra single quotes around the SQL query string.

Here’s the corrected code:

<form action='' method='post'> <textarea name ='comment' rows='4' cols='50'>textarea> <input type='hidden' name='internal_id' value=''> <input type='hidden' name='sql' value="SELECT * FROM `create_event` WHERE `eventStatus` = 'Happening' and 'approved' = 'Approved'"> <button type='submit' name='createcomment' value='createcomment'>Commentbutton> form>

Make sure to replace with the actual PHP code to output the internal ID value. Also, ensure that you have proper PHP tags () surrounding the PHP code in your file.

المزيد من المعلومات

It looks like you’re working on a school project that involves building a website where users can comment on events. The form you’re creating allows users to submit a comment along with an internal ID and a SQL query string. However, you’re encountering an issue where the input is being chopped off when using the POST method.

To troubleshoot this issue, you can try the following:

  1. Check the maximum POST data size limit in your PHP configuration (post_max_size in php.ini). If your data exceeds this limit, it may be truncated.
  2. Ensure that the SQL query string is properly encoded and formatted before being submitted in the form. You can use htmlspecialchars() to encode the SQL query string before assigning it to the input value.
  3. Verify that there are no errors in your PHP code that may be causing the input to be truncated. Check for any warnings or notices in your PHP error logs.

If the issue persists, you may need to debug your code further to identify the exact cause of the truncation. You can try logging the input data before and after submission to see if it’s being modified or truncated at any point.

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