
استخراج البيانات من تنسيق معين في Notepad++

To extract specific words from the given format using regular expressions in Notepad++, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open Notepad++.
  2. Press Ctrl + H to open the Replace dialog.
  3. In the “Find what” field, enter the following regular expression:
    #EXTINF:0 tvg-id="([^"]+)" tvg-name="([^"]+)" group-title="([^"]+)" tvg-logo="([^"]+)",([^ ]+) (http://[^ ]+)
  4. In the “Replace with” field, enter the following:
    \1 \2 \3 \4 <a href="\6" rel="nofollow">\6a>
  5. Make sure “Wrap around” and “Regular expression” are checked.
  6. Click on “Replace All.”

This will transform the given format into the desired format:

ChannelName ChannelName CATEGORY jpglink "http://streamlink.m3u8" rel="nofollow">http://streamlink.m3u8

Please note that this assumes the format of your input lines is consistent and matches the pattern you provided. If there are variations in the format, you may need to adjust the regular expression accordingly.

المزيد من المعلومات

To provide more context, the regular expression used in Notepad++ to extract specific words from the given format is designed to match the pattern of the input lines. Here’s a breakdown of the regular expression:

  • #EXTINF:0: This part matches the literal string #EXTINF:0 at the beginning of the line.
  • tvg-id="([^"]+)": This part matches the tvg-id attribute value within double quotes and captures it into group 1. ([^"]+) is a pattern that matches one or more characters that are not double quotes.
  • tvg-name="([^"]+)": Similar to the tvg-id part, this matches the tvg-name attribute value within double quotes and captures it into group 2.
  • group-title="([^"]+)": This matches the group-title attribute value within double quotes and captures it into group 3.
  • tvg-logo="([^"]+)": This matches the tvg-logo attribute value within double quotes and captures it into group 4.
  • ([^ ]+): This matches the channel name, which is assumed to be a sequence of characters not including a space, and captures it into group 5.
  • (http://[^ ]+): This matches the URL starting with http:// and captures it into group 6.

In the replacement string, \1, \2, \3, and \4 refer to the captured groups 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. \6 is used to format the URL from group 6 into an HTML anchor tag.

This regular expression assumes that each line in your input follows the exact format you provided. If there are variations in the format, you may need to adjust the regular expression to match those variations.

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