learn python

  • Python Programming Fundamentals

    Computer Science is a creative, challenging, and rewarding discipline. Computer
    programmers, sometimes called software engineers, solve problems involving data:
    computing, moving, and handling large quantities of data are all tasks made easier
    or possible by computer programs. Money magazine ranked software engineer as
    the number one job in America in terms of flexibility, creativity, low stress levels,
    ease of entry, compensation, and job growth within the field [4].
    Learning to program a computer is a skill that can bring you great enjoyment
    because of the creativity involved in designing and implementing a solution to a
    problem. Python is a good first language to learn because there is very little
    overhead in learning to write simple programs. Python also has many libraries
    available that make it easy to write some very interesting programs including
    programs in the areas of Computer Graphics and Graphical User Interfaces: two
    topics that are covered in this text.
    In this text, students are taught to program by giving them many examples and
    practice exercises with solutions that they can work on in an interactive classroom
    environment. The interaction can be accomplished using a computer or using pen
    and paper. By making the classroom experience active, students reflect on and
    apply what they have read and heard in the classroom. By using a skill or concept
    right away, students quickly discover if they need more reinforcement of the
    concept, while teachers also get immediate feedback. There is a big difference
    between seeing a concept demonstrated and using it yourself and this text
    encourages applying concepts immediately to test understanding. This is vital in
    Computer Science since new skills and concepts build on what we have already


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  • Hands on Python Book

    one of the best book talking about Python and how to start with, in this book you will learn all basic’s and function’s in python and this will be your guide for your first python program ,

    by Dr. Andrew N. Harrington , Loyola University Chicago

    [image_with_animation image_url=”2716″ alignment=”center” animation=”None” img_link_target=”_blank” border_radius=”none” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%” img_link=”https://it-solutions.center/hands-on-python/”]
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